Our Story

Our founder’s journey to starting Zazu…

Have you been starting and stopping your “fitness journey” or feeling stuck doing movement that’s not working for you? I have. And so have around 1 in 3 people globally.

I’m building Zazu to help change that.

Hi, I’m Ketna, the founder of Zazu. 

My journey to building Zazu started with a deep realisation that movement fuels life.

After years of practicing law in London, I packed up and moved back to Nairobi in 2022. No plan. Just a deep knowing that I was meant to do something else. 

Back home, I learned of the struggles of many individuals in my family and wider community. They felt low on energy, were tired, frustrated and many didn’t know the right exercises to do to improve their health.

I knew, this was what I had to do. Movement. And specifically, making movement work for you.

I got certified as a fitness specialist and started by training my parents. I saw first-hand how incorporating targeted strength-based and aerobic activity improved their health and had a significant impact on their self-belief. I also saw that what my mum needed was very different to what my dad needed, and that a one-size-fits-all approach didn’t work. With the right exercises tailored to their individual needs and goals, they got stronger, moved easier and the best bit, they made a new bucket list!

I launched Zazu to do the same for you. A personalised movement experience designed around your life, your body and your goals. Because fitness is personal.

You in?

Let’s Move.

Ketna Tanna

Fitness Specialist. Certified by the International Sports Science Association.